As well as fame and glory, winners of the Super Bowl receive a customized Super Bowl ring. The NFL awards the championship team the first 150 rings, paying roughly $5,000 for each ring to be made. Any additional costs for customization or extra rings for staff is covered by the team owner and usually kept secret.

Traditionally Super Bowl rings were mostly made from gold and diamonds but in 2010 the Green Bay Packers were the first team to have theirs set in platinum.
Designs generally include the team name and logo, game score and season record and are often customized for each player with their name and number.
The resale value of rings can vary drastically with notable players and teams seeing the highest value, but how much would it cost to recreate these rings? Click on the rings below to find out.
The process of designing, manufacturing and distributing Super Bowl rings takes about four months, according to Jostens, the Minnesota-based jewellery company that has crafted 35 of the 53 sets of existing rings.
Initially, information was sought about the composition of the ring, the amount and type of gems. Then, the ring measurements were obtained by analyzing different images and the available information on the web. To obtain the TOTAL GEM/GOLD VALUE* of the ring, the following calculations were carried out:
Labor is not considered
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The brands featured in this article are for illustrative and commentary purposes only. Trademark rights and copyrights relating to the Super Bowl teams featured on this page belong to their respective owner(s), which are not associated or affiliated with in any way and did not license rights or authorize or sponsor this article.